Our Team
Meet The FitAsylum Instructors

Get to know our team here at FitAsylum. We're a helpful and happy team with a wide range of skills and knowledge that I'm sure you can put to the test, we won't buckle!
Meet The Founders
Name: Dave...never David
Location: All over the North West!
I served 10 years with 1st Royal Tank Regiment and was an Army Physical Training Instructor. I followed this with 10 Years as a Police Specialist Trainer, delivering Public Order, Self Defence, Handcuff & Baton Skills and Physical Training. Then moved to delivering Sports & Fitness Qualifications for Colleges before co-founding FLM Training and FitAsylum™.
I’m Company Director, but I still have a passion for (and involvement in) training and delivery! My day-to-day job is mainly developing and maintaining customer partnerships.
Most of my hobbies revolve around sport. I’ve competed in many triathlons and other sports from Swimming to Tug of War. I hit the gym at least 4 times a week, working as a PT for friends. I also enjoy spending time with my son and watching him play Rugby.
Name: Gary, sometimes referred to as Gaz or Gazza
Location: Wigan / FitAsylum™ Office
Started out on construction sites working all over England and Germany (Auf Wiedersehen, Pet) then ended up in Prison….. as a tutor/assessor, not an inmate! Then I progressed onto the Management of Government funded Apprenticeships, training programmes and courses, before co-founding FLM Training in 2013 and more recently FitAsylum™.
Finance, bid writing, government contracts, as well as making brews for (and generally getting a hard time from) the girls in the office.
I love travel and holidays, from the Caribbean to caravanning in Cumbria. I also enjoy taking part in and watching sport, including cycling and triathlons as well as watching my youngest play rugby & football. I also enjoy eating good food and drinking good wine and the odd real ale!
Name: Dec
Location: North-West
I specialise in personal training/coaching and have over 11 years experience. I’m a former powerlifter and owned 2 gyms. I have a degree in sports excellence (a fancy way of saying sports coaching). I also have an array of coaching badges and qualifications in cricket/weightlifting etc.
I’m an Assessor and tutor for FitAsylum™. This involves me imparting my wisdom and experience regarding personal training. An essential part of my day is coffee.
I love all sports, I currently have a goal to compete in weightlifting, I also play cricket, football, golf and occasionally squash. I’m also a massive fan of food (this is why my girlfriend is Italian).
Name: Harry
Location: All over the North West but mainly Cheshire
I’m a Bsc in Sports therapy. I worked in Professional Rugby League for Warrington Wolves and Samoa during the 2013 World Cup, providing first team Sports Massage. I owned my own clinic and now I’m taking a lead in education.
I am the Operations Manager for FLM, this involves managing staff, supporting students and working with our customers within the leisure industry.
I play rugby for Holmes Chapel and enjoy cycling. I have a young daughter who keeps me pretty busy!!
Name: Nathan
Location: Wigan
Initially trained as a Sports Therapist before transitioning into teaching. I have taught in colleges, delivering sports and fitness qualifications, and apprenticeships.
Tutor for Gym Instructing, Personal Training, Exercise Referral and Sports Massage.
Love to live the life of someone much older. Outside of work, it’s reading, cooking, or walking the dog…and maybe a whisky here and there, it is the water of life after all.
Name: Amy
Location: Liverpool and surrounding area
I started out as a beauty therapist and progressed onto Sports Massage. I am a level 5 Sports Massage Therapist and work with a range of clients from the elderly to professional athletes.
I work as a holistic and Sports Massage Therapist alongside teaching.
I have a husband, 2 children and a dog so my hobbies include watching paw patrol and dodging stray Lego on the landing. I also love a good cuppa and catch up with friends.
Name: If my mum was writing this it would be Carolyn, but I much prefer to be known as Caz!
Location: North West, mainly Blackpool
I started out as a PT after Uni then moved into an Assessor role, specialising in the areas of Business Skills & Management.
After taking my two children to school & picking up a strong coffee, I set off on my travels to see my learners either on a one-to-one basis or on a group delivery basis for knowledge days.
I like to spend time with family and friends. We have two children who keep us busy with their football, swimming and gymnastics! Sometimes we take a well deserved break from this and eat out with friends, enjoying some nice food and wine, though it doesn't happen too often..... it does pay to have an ex-Chef for a hubby at home! I’m Currently saving up for a trip over to Oz to see my bro and family... he thinks the highlight is seeing them but I’ll let you in on a secret- I’m more looking forward to a trip to the Neighbours set in Melbourne (avid fan for 30 years... sad I know, but I just love it!).
Name: Mike
Location: North West based in Cheshire
BA(Hons) in Coaching and sports development. I have coached a range of sports to different levels, mainly hockey and swimming. I worked as a duty manager and have 20 years experience in the health and fitness industry.
I am an assessor for FLM training. This involves teaching apprentices all over the North West.
I enjoy outdoor pursuits like climbing, cycling and running. I also enjoy going to watch live music, if anyone has a spare Glastonbury ticket let me know! But my main passion is golf. Fore!!
Name: Lee
Location: Liverpool and around the North West
My background lies within the fitness industry- I’ve worked as a Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Assessor, Internal Verifier and Quality Manager for twenty years. This should tell you that I am pretty old.
As a quality manager my typical day involves ensuring that teaching and assessing is of a high standard. I can be seen travelling around the North West for this, trying to uncover the whereabouts of our assessors and tutors who will more often than not, go out of their way to avoid me. Fortunately for me I have secret access to their electronic calendars.
Most of my spare time is spent searching for assessors and tutors who are hiding from me in car parks, toilets and under tables. When I do get some time away from this I enjoy live music, training and trying to avoid having to watch Emmerdale.
Name: Marcus
Location: Based in Leeds but work across the North West, Manchester/Cheshire
My fitness industry journey began working as an Army Physical Training Instructor which led onto gaining a BSc (Hons) Degree in Sport and Exercise Science and a PGCE teaching qualification. My love of health and fitness took me to work as a personal trainer at Champneys Health Spa Resorts where I was embarrassingly featured in a 6-episode BBC documentary called ‘The health farm’. This led to opening and managing an independent gym. I’ve worked as an officer safety trainer delivering trainer courses in self-defense, baton, handcuff and conflict management to police officers. I have trained security personnel for Manchester City and for the 2012 Olympic games. I have assessed and quality assured PT courses for the Fire Brigade Union, taught entry level to degree level sports qualifications in colleges and own a Pilates business. However, one of my favourite jobs was a bingo caller “2 little ducks” at a Scarborough holiday camp.
Currently my time is split between working within a quality department at a college dedicated to raising the standards of all tutors that teach there. Teaching personal training clients and delivering and assessing PT courses for Fit Asylum.
My family would argue that my favourite pastime is to look for opportunities to take on even more work. But I feel I do attempt to balance this out with world-wide holidays, trips to the gym and have recently discovered the addiction of watching boxsets.
Name: Vikki
Location: Wigan / FitAsylum™ Office
I've worked in Training for 20 years, progressing from an Administrator to Contracts Manager. Currently do a little bit of everything at FitAsylum™, I am apparently the company’s ‘funding guru’, my mind is full of useless information!
Contract Administration, coordinating courses, speaking to learners, assessors and tutors and generally trying to organise everyone!!
I spend most of my weekends on either a Football or Rugby Pitch watching my little boy play, following this I generally require a glass of Prosecco or Gin! I also like to catch up with friends and family. I enjoy my holidays and try to go on as many as is humanly possible!!

Check Out Our Courses
At FitAsylum, we offer various quality courses providing hands-on expertise training and support every step of the way. Check out our fitness and personal training courses, and start doing something you love.
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